April yet again has seen a busy month. The team started work in Summer Lane Primary school working with a group of Year 2s and 3s. The work that is been delivered is the launch of the Ad Astra History Project funded by North Area Council. The children have been working on art work and learning about the history of Barnsley and their own family.
On Sunday 17th April a group of 20 adults and young people took park in a 5 mile countryside walk around the Silkstone area it was a lovely walk and best of all the sun was shining.
The team has also continued session is Outwood academy and Barnsley Horizon offering early intervention work with all year groups.
The sports session is running at Honeywell sports village we are still looking for future funding. Sarah proud from Sportivate visited the session and is very keen on helping us look for funding.
The After school session is as always very well attended the young people are now in the process of starting looking at possible venues for our summer residential.